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Elevate Your View: Step into Your City's Future Skyline


​Your time machine blended with AR Technology

Google Hackathon Winner 


With a proud standing of second place at the Google Hackathon, our AR app Skyline breaks the bounds of today, offering a glimpse into the evolving skyline awaiting on the horizon. Ideal for home buyers, real estate professionals, and urban planning professionals, our app unfolds the high rises and urban designs of tomorrow with a simple swipe. Transition seamlessly from today's cityscape to the skyline of the future, engaging with the architectural narrative that shapes the urban landscape. 


Featured on Google website


The path from architectural conception to construction completion is often fraught with communication hurdles among agencies, constructors, builders, and clients. Each stakeholder holds a unique perspective and understanding, which, if not aligned, can lead to misinterpretations, delays, and escalated costs.Skyline AR provides a shared visual platform, allowing all stakeholders to interact with and comprehend proposed projects in a unified manner. This fosters clear communication, aligns visions, and accelerates decision-making, ensuring smoother project transitions from conception to completion.

Translating Visions: Streamlining Communication in Urban Development


​Transforming Urban Dialogue: Bridges Government and citizen engagement



Current urban planning engagement often falters with ineffective methods like signage failing to capture citizen attention. Skyline AR bridges this gap, transforming abstract proposals into visual, interactive dialogues. It not only boosts citizen engagement but also offers governments a transparent platform for insightful feedback, fostering a more informed and collaborative approach to urban development.



Informed Decision Making for Home Buyers and Real Estate Professionals


In the contemporary real estate market, predicting the impact of future developments on property values can be a complex challenge. Traditional methods may fall short in providing a clear picture of how new constructions could affect factors like sunlight accessibility, which is crucial in assessing a property's value and livability. Skyline AR emerges as a solution to this problem by precision AR visualizations of upcoming urban developments. Home buyers can now easily ascertain if a future high-rise will block sunlight to their potential new home, while real estate professionals can better evaluate the future value and appeal of properties amidst evolving urban landscapes. 


Real Estate Marketing and promoting Architectural innovations


Real estate professionals can leverage the app to provide prospective buyers with a futuristic view of the property landscape, enhancing their marketing efforts.Architects and developers can use this platform to showcase their upcoming projects to potential investors, authorities in a more interactive and engaging manner.




With SkyLine, embark on a temporal voyage to explore your city's proposed skyscrapers, meticulously scaled and positioned accurately on their real-world sites using geospatial AR technology (VPS).


A simple tap unveils details of each proposed structure, revealing names and anticipated heights, with the selected building gaining emphasis in the augmented reality view. The timeline is your control panel to the future, adjusting the display of structures based on their projected completion dates.


What We Provide 

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Project Design


Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.

Construction Management


Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.

Site Evaluation


Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.



Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.

Cost Modeling


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